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The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) invited the public to view and provide feedback on four draft alignments for Phase 2 of the Midvalley Highway project in Tooele County, which will extend the existing highway and connect State Route (SR) 138 to SR-36.


The formal public comment period was open from July 18 through Aug. 1, 2022, and is part of the ongoing environmental study to determine the roadway design that best addresses the long-term transportation needs in Tooele County while also minimizing environmental and community impacts. The draft alignments have been developed after compiling data and gathering feedback from the public during the public scoping period in early 2022.

Midvalley Highway Draft Alignments
19500_Graphic Table_Draft Alignments_Mobile.png
Map showing Multiple draft alignments along the Midvalley Highway, between Interstate 80 going south to Tooele. Other locations included on the map are Stansbury Park, Erda, Grantsville, Utah Motorsports Campus, Tooele Army Depot, Tooele Valley Airport, State Route 112, and 36. Also includes a brief description of all four Draft alignments to the right of the map

A no-build alternative is also being evaluated as part of the study.

In the recording below, the project team walks through each draft alignment, reviewing constraints, traffic, design, and environmental resource information.

Video best viewed on desktop internet applications.

Midvalley Phase 2 EA Draft Alignments July 2022

Midvalley Phase 2 EA Draft Alignments July 2022

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The presentation below provides a progress update for the Midvalley Highway Phase 2 Environmental Assessment (EA).

image of the Midvalley EA July 2022 Update document.
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